Is Social Media Ruining Everything?

Not too long ago there was a magazine cover story titled “Is Facebook Making us Lonely?.”  There are countless articles and blogs debating whether or not social media makes for worse parenting, friendships and family relationships.  I’ve mostly poo-pooed those...

Prepping for a show!

Are you ready for tradeshow season? As we make our way through the first quarter of 2012, you may be reviewing your list of tradeshows and conferences for 2012 and getting ready to put on your networking hat.  For some, the thought is overwhelming or a bit exhausting....

Social Media Pet Peeves

Down with the “sexy shot” on Twitter! Now that we are all active users of social media tools, it’s clear that Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and the like have become qualified, valuable ways to connect and communicate.  It’s effective and beautiful. Social media opens up...