Are We Worth It?

We think we are, but we didn’t get here without trial and error, leaps of faith, pivoting ever so slightly. Don’t take our word for it. Best to see what others have to say about it though.

Growth Means Growth: Trevelino/Keller + Marsden Marketing

Growth Means Growth: Trevelino/Keller + Marsden Marketing

Some agencies acquire other agencies for the immediate growth impact. Others acquire agencies to take out competitive concerns. Neither of those motivators influenced Trevelino/Keller. We acquired Marsden Marketing because we genuinely believe growth means growth. We...

5 Is Just Right

5 Is Just Right

Every new year we attempt to resolute ourselves into better human beings. Eat better.  Lose weight. Exercise more. Drink less. Consume more water. Get out of the house. Read more books—enlightening books. Watch less TV. Listen to more podcasts. Travel to a new land....

5 Best Practices for LinkedIn Newsletters

5 Best Practices for LinkedIn Newsletters

In today’s hyper-connected age, there’s no shortage of ways to connect with your audience. Every channel, from social to traditional media, comes with unique offerings. LinkedIn Newsletters, launched in March 2022, is a recent addition to the digital arsenal. This...

5 Reasons A PR Strategy Is More Critical Than Ever

5 Reasons A PR Strategy Is More Critical Than Ever

It’s true the world of communications faces numerous challenges. Influencers blur the lines between content and advertising, fake news twists fiction to resemble fact, and AI challenges the careers of media professionals. Some might say the PR industry is outdated in...

5 Lesser-Known Signs It’s Time to Refresh Your Website

5 Lesser-Known Signs It’s Time to Refresh Your Website

Sometimes, the need for a website refresh is obvious: you updated your branding, your company underwent a merger, or your page was slow to load. These examples stand out; you can see and experience them, or perhaps your employees pointed them out. But there are other,...

5 Ways to Use Generative AI Without Losing Control of the Message

5 Ways to Use Generative AI Without Losing Control of the Message

In 2005, Staples released the iconic “Easy Button,” a fun gimmick that showed how simple the company made shopping for office supplies. We’ve come a long way since then, and in 2024, we have a new “easy button” solution for the workplace—AI. Hailed as a revolution for...

It’s the Positioning, Brilliant.

It’s the Positioning, Brilliant.

Sure, I could have been more provocative with the title, but I’m not trying to “position” this article as a hatchet job on those who undervalue the importance of brand positioning. Nor would I suggest that only the most successful companies recognize the value of...

Finding the Right Agency to Scale, Fix or Refresh Your Franchise

Finding the Right Agency to Scale, Fix or Refresh Your Franchise

Franchising is good business – if you can get it. After all, there are no less than 805,000 franchise units in the U.S. alone, with around 15,000 added just in 2023. Whether we are talking about end-user sales or franchise sales, a successful franchise requires strong...

What Could Have Been: How the CFP Robbed Us of Cinderella

What Could Have Been: How the CFP Robbed Us of Cinderella

There is much debate today about the treatment of Florida State University and its absence in the College Football Playoff, a decision made by 13, apparently partial, judges. Some blame the decision to dis one of three undefeated Power 5 teams over loyalty to the SEC,...

Be Curious, Not Judgmental

Be Curious, Not Judgmental

One has Ted Lasso, the football-turned-soccer coach in the wildly successful comedy of the same name, to thank for re-popularizing the famed Walt Whitman quote, “Be Curious. Not Judgmental.”     We were curious to learn when the great WW wrote this powerful...

The Not Too Early (Not Too Late) Holiday Gift List

The Not Too Early (Not Too Late) Holiday Gift List

The holiday season is fast approaching, but for B2C businesses, it’s already well underway. According to the National Retail Federation, 41% of consumers start shopping in October (or earlier). On the other hand, 58% of shoppers report they don’t finish shopping until...