Intelligence: The Backbone of Client Service

Nov 1, 2018

Working with clients is one exciting element of what we do as an agency. Empathizing alongside them, working to build effective strategies, supporting their objectives…I find these all to be rewarding aspects of my day-to-day activities. In addition, one of the most basic and meaningful ways we offer client service support is through intelligence reporting.

In the agency landscape, we have the unique opportunity and responsibility to immerse ourselves in the various industries of our clients, all at once. Intelligence reporting gives us insight into trends, technologies and competitor news —arming us with the tools to reactively respond to relevant stories, write timely bylines and craft social media content. It also sheds light on where industries are moving so that we’re able to position clients as thought leaders.

Intelligence review and reporting is a recurring task we perform for most clients, often times weekly, but sometimes daily. From the outside looking in, this can look like an early cup of coffee in-hand and 30+ Google tabs open with brand, competitor and industry news waiting to be scoured. However, there is a method(ology) to our madness.

If you’re looking for ways to stay on top of your industry news, here are some tips to better manage the information influx and make it easier to stay in the know:

  • Break up research/reading over multiple days: For clients who receive intel reports at the end of the week, we begin searching and reviewing pertinent news early in the week. By devoting just minutes at a time, you’ll able to efficiently digest and retain large amounts of information.
  • Subscribe to trade publication emails: This provides access to a curated collection of what’s interesting in that industry for that day.
  • Vary the format of the information: Watching videos and listening to podcasts can be a welcomed change of pace from sifting through numerous articles.
  • Stay curious about the content you’re reading: If an article sparks a question, try to find the answer immediately. You’ll be amazed how such a simple act can add relevant context and even spark new ideas.

In all, it takes time and effort to stay in-the-know in any given industry. We gladly put the time and effort in to continue to be a disruptive force on behalf of our clients.