Marketing your new startup can be a truly daunting task. Creating the perfect brand for your product will not only take a creative risk, but there are also financial, legal, and reputation risks involved too. In the intricate and overcrowded startup ecosystem, competition is intense so you want to find what makes your product stand apart from the rest in its category. Here are 3 questions that you should ask yourself when starting the process of creating your brand:
1. What is my ultimate goal?
Define your purpose for starting your business and the reaction you want consumers to have when they hear about your brand. Come up with a brand name that identifies the service or product that you are offering. Get feedback from your friends, family and mentors on whether your idea is memorable, easy to understand and pronounce, and achieves you business’ goals. Another important part of choosing a brand name is making sure the domain name is available. You want to make sure your domain name will match the name of your brand so people can easily find your business. Now you can outline your goals, make sure they are simple, focused and precise. Goals will explain your course, communicate your principles to customers, and help you picture what you want your startup to be.
2. How am I different from everyone else?
You want you brand to set you apart from all of the noise other brands are making. It is important to remember that your audience will spread a lot of information through word-of-mouth. Make sure you translate a clear message with your brand so that people talk about you and not your competitors. Develop the answers in your head to what customers would potentially ask you, this will help you understand your target market and you will know what to say to make it known that your product/service can be beneficial to them in ways others are not.
3. What kind of employees will my brand attract?
Your business’ initial employees are very valuable. They will be your biggest promoters and supporters so it is essential to find the right talent as hard as it may be. Anything your employees say about your brand is a direct reflection on you and your business. Find people who have a voice on social media and active in the community, their online and offline social interactions spread your brand across all of their networks. All in all, you should create a culture that allows the people who work for you to believe in your brand as much as you do.