Social Media Trends in 2009

As we close out 2008, we reflect on the dramatic changes seen this year in how companies, including our clients, participate in social media.

Going forward, many industry experts agree that we’ll see social media tools
and communities continue to take shape in 2009, with companies
pursuing the most effective way to
increase customer loyalty from online networks
technologies and applications

Some of the general trends that industry pundits suggest we’ll see in 2009 include:

Increased interest in social media measurement and accountability (companies like Vitrue and their Social Media Index will become necessities for any social media strategy).  Social media-based human resources and recruiting – Monster is out. LinkedIn is in.  Innovation in wireless networks and products will continue to drive the growth of key social media applications – with higher speed networks like Verizon Wireless and phones like the Blackberry Storm. Social networks are gaining increasing real estate on mobile devices in the U.S.

Niche video driven communities will take off – such as Charleston, SCbased BenefitFocus’ ICYOU, user-generated health video community rapidly becoming one of the most diverse libraries of online healthcare videos.

There is no shortage of experts weighing in on trends to watch for in 2009.  Fast Company has boiled the top 2009 listdown to Six primary social media trends, which they say will drive much of the change in 2009.  And that’s just one example.  Just Google “social media trends” and you’ll find many more pundits, experts and bloggers willing to tell you what we can expect.

Well, we here at TKCG are experts too, of course.  We are qualified experts at branding, social media, PR, media relations to name a few.  And, perhaps sometimes most importantly, we are experts in not taking ourselves too seriously.

Here are our Five (Tongue-in-Cheek) Social Media Trends we believe we’ll see in 2009:

  1. Mommy Bloggers Unionize, Hold
    Madison Ave. Hostage
    The collective advertising and influencer power of the
    so-called Mommy Bloggers will continue to grow until Dooce, Motherhood
    Uncensored, Because I Said So, Mighty Girl, FinSlippy and others form an
    official union, demanding vacation time from daily blog entries and free
    sleep aides as part of an overall health plan. Madison Avenue will be
    forced to cough up more money for these bloggers to keep pace with the
    truly hypnotic influence these writers have on their readers.  Hey,
    we’ve seen what they can do to Target and Motrin . . .
  1. Twitter Figures Out How to Make
    Twitter has seized the attention of the tech industry
    at a phenomenal rate.  Sure they aren’t making money now, but so
    what? What they have going for them is this: people are
    with Twitter.  They will figure out how to cash in on that consumer
    obsession . . . they have publicly stated they plan to unveil their
    revenue model the first half of 2009.  Perhaps we’ll get charged a
    nominal every time we use Twitter as a verb?
  1. “De-Friending” on Facebook Becomes HipLiving the simple life is now in fashion.  Americans are vowing

    to live with less in 2009 from both an economical and an environmental
    standpoint. The same will hold true for online social communities. The
    rush to prove your social worth with how many friends you have on Facebook
    becomes passé. In 2009, Facebook trend-setters will begin cleaning house
    and paring down their Friend List.  The “new black” will become how
    many people you can de-friend and still have enough online
    acquaintances to warrant the occasional sheep-throwing SuperPoke.

  1. Second Lifers Swarm Bankruptcy
    Court, Realize They’ve Been Spending Real Money on Pretend Luxury Items
    Forget the Big 3.
    Forget the sub-prime banking industry mess. The next biggest hit on the
    economy are the folks who have spent their life savings on pretend,
    virtual luxury goods they can’t afford in real life.  They will
    realize that their animated Mercedes, mansions and Dolce Cabana are not
    real and all these pretend luxury goods will go up in a puff of virtual
    smoke when their real-life bank accounts go dry.  However
    , we DO believe businesses in 2009 finally will
    find uses for Second Life (medical training, company meetings, Army
    recruiting) and the site will find its
  1. Obama Uses LinkedIn to Finalize
    Cabinet Seats

    President-elect Barak Obama will begin the new year in a quandary . . .
    he’s run out of former campaign rivals to add to his staff and needs some
    recruitment help.  He’ll hit the links on LinkedIn to round out his
    cabinet and advisors.

these are just a few social media trends that we believe will occur in 2009.
There are many more out there that we can discuss. What do you see as some of
the top trends in social media for 2009?

want to wish you Happy Holidays and hope 2009 will bring you success!   


and Dana Mark