Jump-Start Authority with the Forbes Council

Investing in a thought leadership strategy is a crucial step for clients who want to establish themselves as an expert in their industry or field. They can establish credibility and position themselves as a go-to resource by leveraging their knowledge and expertise to produce valuable, nonpromotional content. However, while effective, results can be slow. And while you can’t rush greatness, you can give it a little nudge.

When a client comes to us looking to grow their thought leadership strategy, one of our first recommendations is the Forbes Councils.

A group of invitation-only, professional organizations, the Forbes Councils allow members to publish full-length articles on the Forbes website. Not only does this lend our client’s the weight of the authoritative Forbes name, but it also puts their content in front of millions of potential readers.

The Councils cover nine categories, including business, agencies and technology, so that clients can apply to whichever best matches their interests. Unlike other high-profile content programs, Forbes is accessible to small and medium-sized businesses with a reasonable membership fee and revenue requirements.

In addition to articles, members receive a host of other benefits, including an executive profile and the ability to participate in monthly Q&As called Expert Panels, where selected responses are shared in posts on Forbes.com for additional visibility. There are also members-only events and networking opportunities.

It is important to note that the Forbes Councils are not pay-to-play programs. There is a vetting process. Once granted membership, Council members must follow strict editorial guidelines to get their content published. These measures ensure the quality of the Forbes brand and the program’s credibility.

There are a lot of experts out in the world, but as PR professionals, it’s our job to make sure our clients’ voices stand out above the rest. A resource like the Forbes Councils is just one of the tools we use to elevate our client’s expertise.