Cruising Around Curacao – Jason’s Xplor – TK trip

JG Explor Photo(Part 2 of 3 of Jason’s TK XPlor Trip)

Day 4 of 6 in Curacao and my family and I have only scratched the surface of this beautiful island. Following our island tour today, we realized this is truly a culturally diverse country.

Our tour guide, who knew his way around the island and the cooler, shared with us that kids are taught four languages in Curacao – English, Spanish, Dutch and French. As he took us from the south end of the island north along the west coast and back, he told us about the country’s rich history. The first Europeans recorded as seeing the island were members of a Spanish expedition, but Curacao had been ignored by colonists, because it lacked gold deposits.

The sun burnt tourists at our hotel tell the story of the island’s climate. Curaçao has a tropical savannah climate with a dry season from January to September and a wet season from October to December. However the extend of the wet season is occasional morning and evening showers that don’t last more than a few minutes.

I am looking forward to making the most of my last two days on the island with more exploring and adventure. Cliff diving is on the agenda for tomorrow, so wish me luck.


By Jason Gilbreth, Senior Account Executive