Carvana Disrupts the Used Car Market
An initial responsibility to introduce Carvana in Atlanta would lead to a 11-year relationship with national implications. Breaking through a crowded market, Trevelino/Keller took Carvana’s disruptive personality to drive its PR, social media and content strategies across America.

A New York media tour started a national run that included the Associated Press, Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and an ABC World News Tonight segment that crashed its servers. Efforts also included speaking engagements at innovation conferences like Collision and a Forbes Fifth Most-Promising-Company ranking, all building momentum for an IPO and company valued today in excess of $50B with a presence in 400+ markets.

Carvana Success
Car Vending Machines
The car vending machine was a Carvana innovation. We launched a pre-machine in Atlanta, but eventually we would promote more than 20 nationwide.
Local Markets
Today, Carvana is in more than 400 markets. We generated print and broadcast media in almost every market we supported.
Media Stunts
From newsjacking an Amazon Drone announcement, to landing in Time Magazine for the best April Fool’s Stunts, we were highly successful at generating exposure.
“Trevelino/Keller has been an essential piece to our success, and I along with the other founders wholeheartedly believe we would not be where we are today without their support over the years.”
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