Guess what? The answer is ‘yes’.
As you may know, Pinterest is a social media site that lets users organize and share things that they find of interest on the web. According to a recent article from TechJournal South, Pinterest has grown quickly to be the third most popular social network and the fourth largest driver of organic web traffic globally, beating out Yahoo.
A few additional statistics about the site:
– 10 months after launch, the site had 13 million users
– Users spend on average 89 minutes online (compared to 21 minutes for Twitter, 17 minutes for LinkedIn and 3 minutes for Google Plus)
– 28% of the users are between the age of 35-44
– 83% of users are female
Here is an infographic that shows an interesting comparison between Pinterest users in the US vs. the UK.
With all that to say, businesses and corporations have been dipping their toes into the Pinterest pool to figure out the best way to capture the sites large audience. And some have been successful, a large portion of those brands being very consumer focused.
While consumer brands have jumped in, other businesses, B2b focused, may be asking, what about me? How can my business interact on Pinterest? Well, we have a tool for you.
This week, Internet Business, launched a free ebook that outlines seven steps to use Pinterest for business purposes. The ebook explains how to drive viral traffic to websites as well as maximize Pinterest interactions and it can be downloaded here.
Take a look and good luck pinning!
By, Carrie Crabill