Button, button, who's got the button?

Everything has a button these days. Facebook, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon. The list goes on and on. The latest button on the list? Social Giving!

While reading my favorite newsletter, Springwise, I came across CentUp, a new way to encourage charitable giving by showing your appreciation of great content.  With a click of the CentUp button, you can reward the content creator and half of his/her earnings will go to charity. Good for charities and good for the “creatives” that write, produce, shoot or draw. If you put something online, CentUp helps turn your creation into $$. Sounds like a novel concept.   It isn’t widely available, but content creators and charities that are interested can check it out at https://www.centup.org/.  They even have a funny video to explain how it all works!

Do you have a favorite social button or a great idea for one? We’d love to hear about it!

–Heather Graham – @hlgfsu