Breast Cancer Awareness Month | October 2016


Cancer occurs when cells do not die at the normal rate — there is more cell growth than cell death. This excess growth can form a tumor.

Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast divide and grow without their normal control. Tumors in the breast tend to grow slowly. By the time a lump is large enough to feel, it may have been growing for as long as 10 years. (Some tumors are aggressive and grow much faster.)

It is the most common cancer among women, regardless race or ethnicity.


In 2016, it is estimated that among U.S. women there will be:

  • 246,660 new cases of invasive breast cancer (This includes new cases of primary breast cancer among survivors, but not recurrence of original breast cancer among survivors.)
  • 40,450 breast cancer deaths


Breast cancer in men is rare, but it does happen. In 2016, it is estimated that among men in the U.S. there will be:

2,600 new cases of (This includes new cases of primary breast cancer among survivors, but not recurrence of original breast cancer among survivors.)

440 breast cancer deaths



“My best friend’s mother recently lost her life to Breast Cancer. After seeing all the turbulent times of ups and downs the disease took his family through, I fully realize the benefit of a month devoted to awareness and prevention. It is extremely important that we find a cure.” – Jason

“Like many others, breast cancer has directly affected my family. Both my grandmother and mother were fortunate enough to beat this disease that affects so many people. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an important reminder for everyone to be health aware and to support those that may be affected by breast cancer.” – Elisa

“I think the scariest thing about breast cancer is that it can truly happen to anyone.  I have two friends who’ve seen it ravage their family members, just waiting to see if and when it will hit them.  But last year, it surprised us all.  My close friend was diagnosed at the young and very healthy age of 33.  With two children under four, she learned that not only had the cancer manifest itself in her breast, but had also spread to her lymph nodes.  Stage 3. She worked closely with Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, and later transferred to MD Anderson in Houston.  For all of 2015 she battled the cancer… Lumpectomy, Chemotherapy, second Lumpectomy and Lymph Node Dissection, Radiation.  Through all of this she maintained her amazing spirit and positive outlook.  Finally in February of 2016 we got word, she was “cancer free.”  She’s the most amazing woman, and continues to uplift those in the breast cancer community.” – Christy




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Shown Above, Clockwise: Delta Air Lines, Trevelino/Keller, Pittsburgh Steelers, and Estée Lauder.


Bring Awareness

There’s a fine line between being self-serving as a brand and genuinely wanting to help the cause. This shouldn’t keep you from doing something about it. If one more person donated to finding a cure for breast cancer because you changed your logo to a “pinkscale” one, it was worth it. 



If you’re still unsure how changing your branding to pink will come off, then simply give. Below are some links to breast cancer research and development charities:

National Breast Cancer Foundation

American Cancer Society

Susan G Komen

Breast Cancer Research Foundation


Talk to People

The easiest and most intimate way we can learn more and help with breast cancer is to talk about it. When we’re vulnerable with our coworkers, friends, and family about topics like this, it gives us a tangible problem to solve or person to support. Statistics become people and people inherently want to help others get through tough times.

The team at Trevelino/Keller wanted to share stories of how breast cancer affects our loved ones, not because we wanted something to write about, but because when we know more about each other, we grow closer and take up each other’s burden instead of trying to go at it all by ourselves.


About Christian Rincon

Christian Rincon is the Social Media/Creative Designer at Trevelino/Keller. Originally from just outside New York City, Christian enjoys a nice bagel and schmear, Christopher Nolan films, Florida State Football, and supporting great causes.