Beltline & Co. Finalizes Ponce City Market as It’s HQ


In a city heavily focused on B2B startups, Michael Tavani, the co-founder of Scoutmob, has been vocal about his interest in launching a consumer facing startup incubator. Earlier this week, he officially made his venture a reality by launching Beltline & Co., which will reside in Ponce City Market. Tavani sees potential in Atlanta for new design and consumer startups, and wrote in his thesis of Beltline & Co. that he wants to “build companies with soul.”

In addition to the Atlanta Tech Village ecosystem in Buckhead, the renovation of the Flatiron Building in the heart of Atlanta and the Ponce City Market redevelopment project in Midtown, Tavani’s new Beltline & Co. will  foster and encourage the development of startups in the Southeast.

The Atlanta startup ecosystem has been a hot topic throughout the country and in recent months, the number of startup acquisitions has increased tremendously.  The potential of this shy startup city is speaking loudly for itself and Atlanta is quickly transforming into a top tech hub in the U.S. It’s clear that the Atlanta startup community is on the rise and much of the city’s popularity has to do with construction of several new hubs, incubators and coworking spaces.